Conference Program - Guide

The Conference Program is now available. Please click here to download a PDF copy.

The conference key-note address will be given by Dr. William F Schlotter of SLAC on Friday at 11:55. The title and abstract are shown below.

Title: Scientific Opportunities at LCLS-II - the High Repetition Rate Revolution


The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is planning a major upgrade that will provide revolutionary new scientific capabilities for exploring materials on the atomic and nano-scale with element specificity and ultrafast temporal resolution.   The LCLS is an x-ray free electron laser with six experimental instruments accessible via a peer-reviewed proposal process.  The upgraded LCLS-II facility will continuously deliver ultrafast x-ray pulses at repetition rates greater than 100kHz with photon energies tunable between 250 eV and 5 keV.     The upgrade will also produce pulses with photon energies as high as 25 keV at a repetition rate of 120 Hz.

These capabilities will enable new scientific methods that will provide revolutionary advances chemical, physical and life sciences.  New insights into the processes that govern chemical reactions in catalysis and photosynthesis will be realized with advanced spectroscopic techniques.   Ultrafast circularly polarized x-rays will probe the mechanisms that give rise to ferromagnetism and superconductivity in highly correlated electron systems.  New capabilities for determining protein structures and conformational dynamics for biological systems will be enabled by the high repetition rate and extended energy range.   The high intensity and multi-color capabilities are expected to bring new demonstrations of non-linear x-ray interactions with matter.   Both the new capabilities and the scientific opportunities of LCLS-II will be discussed.

Link to the SRF2015 Abstracts
